Katholieke Stichting Medische Ethiek
3 augustus 2019

26-28 februari 2020: Pauselijke Academie voor het Leven – Artificial Intelligence

Pauselijke Academie voor het Leven, aankondiging
Further details in coming months.

The Workshop 2020, open to the public, is being held in the context of the Pontifical Academy for Life General Assembly on Artificial Intelligence . The 2020 Workshop is also following on from the 2019 gathering on Roboethics.

The fields of robotics and artificial intelligence are distinct, but closely related. They both contain so much information and so many anthropological and ethical questions in themselves that we are dedicating two assemblies to these subjects. We hope that, by having two different assemblies dedicated to two different aspects of the larger field of robotic technologies in general, we can address the opportunities and challenges of these inter-connected technologies in greater depth.

The President of the Pontifical Academy for Life, Abp. Vincenzo Paglia, notes that “in these last number of years the Academy has shown a specific interest in new technologies, dedicating the two-year period 2019-2020 to robo-ethics and to ethical-anthropological questions connected to the so-called artificial intelligences. The Academy is working in relation to what was requested by the Pope, who urged the Academy to enter the territories of science and technology and to follow them with courage and discernment”