Katholieke Stichting Medische Ethiek
6 oktober 2014

Resolution 24th FIAMC World Congress

FIAMC, 6 oktober 2014

On October 1 -4, 2014, the FIAMC and CPGP held the 24th FIAMC World Congress and the 78th Annual CPGP Convention which focused on the theme, “The Catholic Doctor in an Era of Secularization and Technology”.

Two hundred seventy five (275) participants attended the International Conference held at the Manila Hotel, Manila. Lectures, prayers, fraternal agape combined harmoniously to make this gathering of Catholic Doctors, clergy and healthcare providers, a fruitful and joyful one

We proudly and publicly manifest our Catholic identity through these Resolutions:
– to work together for what is right no matter what it costs;
– to promote human dignity and the rights of every human being;
– to defend freedom of conscience and religious conscientious objections ;
– to protect life from the moment of conception amidst the culture of death;
– to be loyal and faithful to the teaching Magisterium of the church;
– to recognize that despite cultural differences, our approach to science is guided by ethics and faith;
– and, to promote the joy of service to God through caring about His poor.

Resolved that the FIAMC adapt the aforementioned resolutions on this fourth day of October in the year of our Lord two thousand fourteen.