R.K. themasite rondom het gezin, opgezet door het IHGO en het Katholiek Nieuwsblad in samenwerking met diverse organisaties uit het werkveld rond huwelijk en gezin.
Juristenvereniging Pro Vita
Vereniging van Pro Life Juristen in Nederland.
Fertility Care
Fertility Care probeert stellen met ongewilde kinderloosheid via een natuurlijke methode zwanger te laten worden.
COMECE – R.K. Bisschoppen in de Europese Unie
Website van een commissie van bisschoppen uit de landen van de Europese Unie. Het doel van COMECE is de ontwikkelingen van de EU te volgen, te bespreken en te plaatsen in het licht van de Leer van de Rooms-Katholieke Kerk.
Federation International des Associations de Medecins Catholiques (FIAMC)
Internationale Rooms-katholieke artsenorganisatie
Federation International des Associations de Medecins Catholiques (FIAMC)
Catholic Health Association of the United States (CHA)
CHA provides numerous resources, annual in-person educational programs and audioconferences to help members sustain their commitment to the ideals, values and vision of health care as a ministry to persons in need.
Catholic Medical Association (UK)
The Catholic Medical Association (UK) is a registered charity which all Catholic healthcare professionals, hospital chaplains and managers involved in clinical service may join to access a range of services which aim to make it easier for you to integrate your faith and your clinical practice, to network online or at branch meetings with like-minded colleagues in your area or with specialty interests in common.
Catholic Bioethics
The Catholic Bishops’ Bioethics Committee is a unique body, established by the three Catholic Bishops’ Conferences of the United Kingdom and Ireland. The members of the Committee have a range of expertise in the field of bioethics and offer advice to the Bishops about the science and ethics of current developments.