Bioethics and End-of-Life Issues

ZenitZenit, 30 april 2013
by Peter Waymel

In the context of a widespread prevailing medical and social praxis that endanger that value of life perennially defended by the Catholic Church, it can be useful to offer some reflections on end-of-life issues, specifically on the difference between refusing extraordinary measures and suicide (both doctor-assisted and ‘autonomous’).

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Guanajuato Declaration about In Vitro Fertilization

20 april 2013

In Guanajuato City, Mexico, April 20th 2013, various experts in bioethics, medicine, philosophy, biology, law, academia and the general sciences, came together with the purpose of subscribing the Guanajuato Declaration, a set of interdisciplinary reflections in connection with the sentence brought about by the Inter-American Court of Human Rights of the case Artavia Murillo and others (“in vitro Fertilization”) vs. Costa Rica from 28 of November 2012.

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Goede Zorg

Christelijk geïnspireerde ethiek van geval tot geval

door dr. J.A. Raymakers, emeritus-internist en secretaris-penningmeester Stichting Medische Ethiek

Theo Boer en Dick Mul
Nr. 18 in de Lindeboomreeks
Buijten en Schipperheijn Motief, Amsterdam 2012, 144 pag., 21 x 14,8 cm
ISBN: 978-90-5881-681-8

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The Erosion of Ethics in Organ Transplantation

What’s a Catholic to Do?

ZenitZenit, 14 november 2012
by Denise Hunnell, MD, a Fellow of Human Life International, the world’s largest international pro-life organization

Caleb Beaver died at age 16 on Christmas Day in 2011 due to a previously undiagnosed congenital malformation of his blood vessels. His devastated parents agreed to the donation of his heart, kidneys, lungs, liver, and pancreas. Several months later, his mother and father were able to meet with the grateful recipient of Caleb’s heart and hear their son’s beating heart in this new body. While the meeting could not erase their grief, the meeting offered Caleb’s parents a small bit of consolation that his death had brought life to someone else.

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