God deed aan mij zijn wonderwerken

Paus FranciscusVerrukking voor al wat God doet: “die machtig is, deed aan mij zijn wonderwerken”. (Vgl. Lc. 1,49) – 25e Wereldgebedsdag voor de zieken (2017)

8 december 2016, Feest van de Onbevlekte Ontvangenis
Paus Franciscus

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Tot cardiologen

Paus FranciscusAddress of His Holiness Pope Francis to participants in the World Congress of Cardiology “Esc Congress 2016”

31 August 2016, Nuova Fiera di Roma
Pope Francis

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Gender: ideologische kolonisatie

Paus FranciscusApostolic journey of his Holiness Pope Francis to Poland on the occasion of the XXXI World Youth Day (27-31 july 2016): meeting with the Polish bishops

Address of his Holiness Pope Francis

Cathedral of Kraków
Wednesday, 27 July 2016

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